

101 ratings
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101 ratings

A retro/industrial-styled model inspired by the Protogen species for VRChat.

Started as a passion project at the start of 2021 as an experimental model with heavy emphasis of utilizing unity constraints to mimic how mechanical parts should move, and evolved into a full avatar. A several years long project by now, with many new parts added over time to further increase customization options.

Performance varies between medium and very poor, when the avatar was made VRChat did not check for constraints which enabled this avatar to be medium ranked in nearly all configurations, now can vary depending on what customization you choose. Index users are especially affected since the Index-specific variants uses extra constraints to steer the fingerbones in their designed manner. Ironically the avatar should have better performance now that VRChat uses its own constraint component instead of Unitys built-in ones.

This avatar is only supported by VRChat, currently there is no NeosVR version.

For Quest users: with the addition of VRCConstraints, it should be possible to upload this avatar as Quest compatible, I have yet to test this though and it is likely to be rated as very poor.

For any inquiries, questions, bug reports or if you need help with the model you can reach me here:

Public test variants are available here:
(Preview models are from before I added index support)


  • A complex constraint system. 
  • Six heads, six tails and seven backpacks to choose from. 
  • Furred, scalie and full metal body types.
  • Dozens of blendshapes available in the AV3 menu. 
  • On-the-fly color editing from the AV3 menu. 
  • Lockable forearms, experience life with and without wrists. 
  • Facial animations and emotes. 
  • Additional blend shapes for neck and waist size (for fur and scale bodies). 
  • Full-body compatible.
  • Physbones.
  • Custom gesture-driven finger poses usable by any and all controllers as well as an Index specific variant.

The package includes:

  • Source .blend file for the model.
  • All substance painter files, with exploded models for easier texturing.
  • Unity project with all parts made into prefabs for easy assembly, as well as pre-made avatars ready for uploading after some easy configuration.
  • A quickstart guide and information sheet for how to upload, work with and edit the model as painlessly as possible.


Mochies shader (free)


This model has some quirks to how it functions, and regardless of your previous experience with uploading/editing avatars make sure to read the guide included in the package! Not following the guide will quite likely result in the uploaded avatar missing some animation sets depending on what head you choose to use.

The guide contains all information needed to upload the avatar normally as well as some notes on what you should/shouldn't do when working with the model to avoid headaches.

The model comes without any .psd files, as they are fairly useless on this avatar due to its complex UV mapping, substance painter is a requirement to edit this models textures properly.


By purchasing this model, you agree to the following terms:

You can not:

  • Resell any of the assets regardless of modification.
  • Share the assets regardless of modification*
  • Take credit for the base model.
  • Refund the model, since it is a digital copy.

    *You can share the assets for texturing/unity editing purposes, with the agreement that the other party does not use these assets for personal use.

You can:

  • Edit any and all assets to your liking.
  • Sell custom assets for the model, such as new parts and textures.
  • Make public versions of the avatar.

1.4.1 - 1.4.4 Changelog:

  • Head 6: fixed missing screen mesh, fixed import settings, added eyetracking to head+body prefabs.
  • Removed excessive AO on full metal body welder.
  • Added C-type backpack animation to old animation controllers.
  • Fixed a bug preventing "FX Controller INDEX" from properly swapping fingertracking mode on the right hand.
  • Updated Blend file to 4.0 (24-05-26)

1.4 Changelog:

  • Added MK6 set (MK6 Head, C-type support pack, Aerospike tail, full metal body)
  • Added Furality Luma special textureset (Optional)

1.3.1 Changelog:

  • Fixed MK5 right eye UVs
  • Updated MK1 eye emote system to work on MK5 head

1.3 Changelog:

  • Added MK5 set (MK5 head, carryall backpack, diving gear, whaleshark fin)
  • Added Furality Aqua texture set and assets for MK5 (optional)

1.2.1 Changelog:

  • Removed meniton of dynamic bones being a required dependency from the quickstart guide.

1.2 Changelog:

  • Added MK4 set (MK4 head, Heavy vent pack, Linked Tail, Power Lift Unit)
  • Added Lizard variants of previous assets (MK1, MK2, MK3 heads, Bioltail and Body)
  • Removed Dynamic bone dependency
  • Added physbones
  • Updated guide
  • Added new prefabs for all new assets
  • Added new scene with premade lizard variant avatars.

1.1 Changelog:

  • Added Index support
  • Added TFC Backpack
  • Split Material folder into masked/non-masked for easy color swapping in unity
  • More lenient license
  • Updated default scene with new assets
  • Added new prefabs
  • Quickstart and guide updated
  • Assets standalone package updated
I want this!

Alphagen VRChat avatar

Unity project
Standalone assets folder
Quickstart guide
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